Pianist. Teacher. Writer. Speaker. Thinker.

Christina Whitlock

My life's work has evolved into a fascinating balance of investing in students as well as music teaching colleagues.

It is a great privilege to enjoy the fruits of both relationships.

Current Plates I'm Spinning:

The Studio

Currently teaching 40+ students ages 5 - 85, online and in-person from my Muncie, IN studio

The Podcast

Quick, actionable shout-outs of solidarity for music studio teachers.

The Talk

Frequent presenter at the local, state, and national level (in-person and online)
Beyond-Measure-Podcast (6)

The Help

Consultation services designed to help YOU learn what it's taken ME 26+ years to figure out
Beyond-Measure-Podcast (15)

The Course

Intensive Summer Studies for High Schoolers and Beginning Teachers of All Ages

The Answers

Have Questions?  Send them my way!
"Mrs. Whitlock is so knowledgeable about music but also knows how to move students from one skill to the next at just the perfect pace. She is so kind and nurturing."
WPS Student
Praise for Christina's Teaching